Monday, 10 April 2017

and the results are in

Today I went for a second walking test as part of my Fampyra / Fampridine trial. As I mentioned before, I'd already noticed enough of an improvement to have decided that I was going to stick with it for a little longer. Coupled with physio and exercise it certainly couldn't do me any harm, even if the results hadn't been quite as miraculous as I might have hoped (cards on the table: I really hoped it would be miraculous, even if I'd [unconvincingly] told myself that it wouldn't be a big deal either way).

So earlier on I went to the same clinic I visited exactly four weeks ago and did the same two-part test. The nurse hadn't shown me my times and she hadn't looked before I started walking today.

Now I admit I was really pushing myself to walk as quickly as I possibly could. But when I saw the results they were pretty mind blowing. The nurse was fairly gob-smacked too.
the scores on the doors
Trial One (aka "There") had changed from 13.6 seconds to 5.9 seconds.
Trial Two (aka "... and Back") had changed from 15.5 seconds to 6.4 seconds.

That's an increase in speed (using my dim and distant GCSE Maths) of 57% in both cases. And that's after only taking the tablets for two and a half weeks.

I'd been trying to play down my expectations but seeing it written it down in black and white, when my walking has been a long-standing issue for me, was really emotional.

The Nurse will now fill out a prescription for 6 months and we'll see how it goes.

The only downside of these pills is an obvious increase in over-confidence.

For example: I needed to speak to a different MS team to get some more forms for my Tecfidera blood tests. When I went down the corridor without using either of my walking sticks the Fampyra nurse was HORRIFIED.

It would've served me right if I'd planted my face right there in the corridor.


  1. that is AWESOME news, right there. Long may it continue, brother.

  2. Thanks my man. I've got a ways to go before I join you on a run, however!

  3. we could just go to the pub instead?
