Friday 23 December 2022

another pseudo relapse

Yes, some actual MS-related content!

I think that the pseudo relapse might be one of the cruellest tricks that MS can play on us. A mini exacerbation of all your favourite MS symptoms that lasts for 24 hours.

But what a 24 hours!

There are a lot of colds going 'round at the moment and obviously, I'm not immune. A sleepless night due to coughing and spluttering meant that the following night I woke up feeling like I had locked-in syndrome. Just totally unable to move anything - terrifying.

The following day I was basically immobile. Luckily I'd completed my work for the year but it was scary. Like, I knew it was probably a 24-hour thing, but I didn't know it was a 24-hour thing.

And that's what's so difficult - you find yourself hoping it isn't a full-blown relapse but you know damn well there's nothing you can do to prevent it either way. 

Actually, I think the worst thing might be that we put those closest to us through all of this as well.

Because today I woke up feeling a little sub-par but I was able to have a shower and go downstairs on my own.

I'm very thankful, obviously. But God, how irritating!

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